Leucocrystal Violet

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 603-48-5 Cat. No. BCP44915
Name Leucocrystal Violet
Synonyms AI3-19978; C.I. Basic Violet 3, leuco; NSC 7338; NSC-7338; NSC7338;
Formula C25H31N3 M. Wt 373.54
  • Biological Activity
Description Leucogentian violet is a cationic triarylmethane dye. LCV is a reduced form of gentian violet (crystal violet) and thus, it is colorless. It has an affinity for both cellulosic and proteinaceous materials. LCV and hydrogen peroxide react with the hemoglobin in blood and turn the blood impression to purple/violet color. Therefore, the dye is widely used to stain blood residue on both porous and non-porous materials.
Pathways Others Pathway 
Targets Others 


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