
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 1402936-61-1 Cat. No. BCP42634
Name Runcaciguat
Synonyms BAY 1101042; BAY-1101042 BAY1101042;
Formula C23H23Cl2F3NO3 M. Wt 489.33
  • Biological Activity
Description Runcaciguat is a novel, potent, and orally active sGC activator. Runcaciguat activated the sGC reporter cell line with an EC50 value of 11.2 ± 1.0 nM. Pretreatment of the sGC reporter cell line with 30 μM ODQ for 3 h resulted in an increased potency of runcaciguat (EC50 of 2.1 ± 0.07 nM), and treatment of the reporter cells with runcaciguat in combination with the NO donor S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) (10 and 100 nM) showed additive effects. Treatment with runcaciguat resulted in maximal luminescence signals in the range of 50–60% in comparison to the sGC activator cinaciguat. Given the broad impact of oxidative stress in cardiovascular and cardiorenal diseases, runcaciguat might become a new treatment modality for a broad variety of diseases in these indication space but also beyond.
Pathways GPCR/G Protein 
Targets Adenosine Receptor 


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