
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 170632-47-0 Cat. No. BCP09072
Name Lificiguat
Synonyms YC1;YC 1;YC-1;
Formula C19H16N2O2 M. Wt 304.34
  • Biological Activity
Description in vitro: YC-1 and related compounds stimulate sGC both independently and synergistically with NO and CO binding. YC-1 binds near or directly to the heme-containing domain of the β subunit. In the absence of CO, YC-1 binds with a Kd of 9-21 μM, depending on the construct. In the presence of CO, these values decrease to 0.6-1.1 μM. Pfizer compound 25 bound ~10-fold weaker than YC-1 in the absence of CO, whereas compound BAY 41-2272 bound particularly tightly in the presence of CO (Kd = 30-90 nM) [1].In vitro, combination of sorafenib and YC-1 synergistically inhibited proliferation and colony formation of HepG2, BEL-7402 and HCCLM3 cells. The combination also induced S cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, as observed by activated PARP and caspase 8. Sorafenib and YC-1 respectively suppressed the expression of phosphorylated STAT3 (p-STAT3) (Y705) in a dose- and time-dependent manner . in vivo: YC-1 reduced the viability of breast cancer cells and tumour growth in MDA-MB-468 xenografts. In b
Pathways GPCR/G Protein 
Targets Guanylate Cyclase 


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