Prednisolone sodium succinate

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 1715-33-9 Cat. No. BCP28839
Name Prednisolone sodium succinate
Synonyms Prednisolone 21-hemisuccinate sodium salt;
Formula C25H31NaO8 M. Wt 482.5
  • Biological Activity
Description Prednisolone Sodium Succinate is the sodium succinate salt form of prednisolone, a synthetic glucocorticoid with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating properties. After cell surface receptor attachment and cell entry, prednisolone enters the nucleus where it binds to and activates specific nuclear receptors, resulting in an altered gene expression and inhibition of proinflammatory cytokine production. This agent also decreases the number of circulating lymphocytes, induces cell differentiation, and stimulates apoptosis in sensitive tumor cells populations.
Pathways GPCR/G Protein 
Targets Glucocorticoid Receptor 


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