Lansoprazole N-Oxide

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 213476-12-1 Cat. No. BCP17470
Name Lansoprazole N-Oxide
Synonyms Lansoprazole EP Impurity A;
Formula C16H15F3N3O3S- M. Wt 386.37
  • Biological Activity
Description Lansoprazole N-Oxide (Lansoprazole EP Impurity A) is an impurity of Lansoprazole .Lansoprazole is a proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) in the same pharmacologic class as omeprazole which inhibits the stomach's production of gastric acids. As of 2015, laboratory studies were underway on analogs of lansoprazole to explore their use as potential PET imaging agents for diagnosing tauopathies including Alzheimer's disease. Lansoprazole is also a prodrug that targets the cytochrome bc1 complex of Mycobacterium tuberculosis once converted to lansoprazole sulfide in mycobacterial host cells.
Pathways Ion Channel/Membrane Transporter 
Targets Proton Pump 


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