
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 1245916-14-6 Cat. No. BCP25199
Name Alirocumab
Synonyms REGN 727; REGN-727; REGN727; SAR 236553; SAR236553; SAR-236553;
Formula C6472H9996N1736O2032S42 M. Wt 146000
  • Biological Activity
Description Alirocumab works by inhibiting the PCSK9 protein. PCSK9 binds to the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) (which takes cholesterol out of circulation), and that binding leads to the receptor being degraded, and less LDL cholesterol being removed from circulation. Inhibiting PCSK9 prevents the receptor from being degraded, and promotes removal of LDL cholesterol from circulation. After subcutaneous administration of alirocumab, maximal suppression of free PCSK9 occurs within 4 to 8 hours and has an apparent half-life of 17 to 20 days. Inhibition is dose-dependent. The antibody is distributed through the circulation, and it is eliminated at low concentrations by binding to its target, and at higher concentrations through a proteolytic pathway.


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