Curcumin analog C1

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 39777-61-2 Cat. No. BCP42914
Name Curcumin analog C1
Synonyms Curcumin analog Compound C1;
Formula C19H18O3 M. Wt 294.34
  • Biological Activity
Description Curcumin analog C1 is a potent, orally effective transcription factor EB (TFEB) activator. Curcumin analog C1 specifically binds to TFEB at the N terminus and promotes TFEB nuclear translocation without inhibiting MTOR activity. By activating TFEB, C1 enhances autophagy and lysosome biogenesis in vitro and in vivo. Curcumin analog C1 efficiently activated TFEB, enhanced autophagy and lysosomal activity, and reduced APP, APP C-terminal fragments (CTF-β/α), β-amyloid peptides and Tau aggregates in three AD animal models that represent beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) pathology (5xFAD mice), tauopathy (P301S mice) and the APP/Tau combined pathology (3xTg-AD mice) accompanied by improved synaptic and cognitive function. Knockdown of TFEB and inhibition of lysosomal activity significantly inhibited the effects of C1 on APP and Tau degradation in vitro. In summary, curcumin analog C1 is a potent TFEB activator with promise for the prevention or treatment of AD.
Pathways Others Pathway 
Targets Autophagy 


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