Calmidazolium chloride

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 57265-65-3 Cat. No. BCP46455
Name Calmidazolium chloride
Synonyms R24571; R-24571; R 24571;
Formula C31H23Cl7N2O M. Wt 687.7
  • Biological Activity
Description Calmidazolium chloride is a calmodulin inhibitor that can enhance the effects of antifungal agents. Calmodulin is a calcium-binding protein that transduces Ca2+ to its effector proteins.This complex then binds to calcineurin (CN), which is activated to regulate the stress response of the fungi. If this response is broken down, the fungi can be targeted more effectively.
Pathways Neuro Signaling Pathway 
Targets CaMK 


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