PF-543 HCl

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 1706522-79-3 Cat. No. BCP26198
Name PF-543 HCl
Synonyms PF-543 hydrochloride; PF543 hydrochloride; PF 543 hydrochloride;
Formula C27H32ClNO4S M. Wt 502.06
  • Biological Activity
Description PF-543 HCl is the hydrochloride salt form of PF-543.PF-543 is a novel selective SK-1 inhibitor which inhibited SK-1 activity in a competitive manner with sphingosine. PF-543 inhibits SphK1 with a K(i) of 3.6 nM, is sphingosine-competitive and is more than 100-fold selective for SphK1 over the SphK2 isoform. PF-543 was effective as a potent inhibitor of S1P formation in whole blood, indicating that the SphK1 isoform of sphingosine kinase is the major source of S1P in human blood. PF-543 is the most potent inhibitor of SphK1 described to date and it will be useful for dissecting specific roles of SphK1-driven S1P signalling.
Pathways GPCR/G Protein 
Targets S1P Receptor 


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