Cathelicidin LL 37 (human)

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 154947-66-7 Cat. No. BCP30243
Name Cathelicidin LL 37 (human)
Synonyms CAP-18;antibacterial peptide LL-37;Cathelicidin LL-37; LL 37; Peptide LL 37 (human gene FALL39 antibacterial);
Formula C205H340N60O53 M. Wt 4493.34
  • Biological Activity
Description LL-37 is a synthetic form of a human antimicrobial peptide (37 amino acids), belonging to the cathelicidin family, with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and potential antineoplastic activities. Upon intratumoral injection of the ropocamptide, this peptide increases p53 expression, and induces phosphatidylserine externalization, DNA fragmentation, cell cycle arrest and caspase-independent apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF)/ endonuclease G (EndoG)-mediated apoptotic cell death in susceptible cancer cells. This suppresses tumor cell proliferation. LL-37, a protein secreted by bone marrow cells, circulating leukocytes, and various epithelial tissues, plays a crucial role in the innate host immune defense via the regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis and cytokine production; it also promotes wound healing.
Pathways Microbiology/Virology 
Targets Antibiotic 


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