
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 1612888-66-0 Cat. No. BCP31905
Name Alofanib
Synonyms RPT835; RPT-835; RPT 835;
Formula C19H15N3O6S M. Wt 413.40
  • Biological Activity
Description Alofanib, also known as RPT835, is a potent and selective allosteric inhibitor of FGFR2 with potential anticancer activity. Alofanib blocks the extracellular part of the receptor and prevents its binding with the ligand. Alofanib suppressed proliferation of endothelial cells, their migration activity, and ability to form vessellike structures in vitro and significantly decreased the number of microvessels in Matrigel implant and in ovarian cancer (SKOV-3) xenograft in vivo. RPT835 potently inhibited growth of KATO III gastric cancer cells expressing FGFR2, with GI50 value of 10 nmol/L.
Pathways Angiogenesis/Protein Tyrosine Kinase 
Targets FGFR 


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