ZM 336372

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 208260-29-1 Cat. No. BCP02628
Name ZM 336372
Synonyms ZM336372;ZM-336372;
Formula C23H23N3O3 M. Wt 389.45
  • Biological Activity
Description ZM 336372 shows 10-fold selectivity over B-Raf. ZM 336372 weakly inhibits SAPK2a/p38α and SAPK2b/p38β with IC50 of 2 μM, and is selective over 17 other protein kinases including PKA, PKC, AMPK, p42 MAPK, MKK1, SAPK1/JNK, and CDK1 even at the concentration of up to 50 μM. ZM 336372 does not prevent constitutive as well as growth factor or phorbol ester induced activation of MKKl or p42 MAPK/ERK2. Moreover, ZM 336372 dose not reverse the phenotype of Ras- or Raf-transformed cell lines. ZM 336372 treatment induces >100 activation of c-Raf and the B-Raf isoform, but it does not trigger any activation of MKKI or p42 MAPK/ERKP or induce any increase in the GTP-loading of Ras, suggesting that a feedback control loop exists by which Raf isoforms suppress their own activation, such that inhibition is always counterbalanced by reactivation. ZM 336372-induced activation of c-Raf is not prevented by inhibition of the MAPK cascade, protein kinase C or phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase. ZM 336372 (1 μM
Pathways MAPK Pathway 
Targets Raf 


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