Leuprorelin acetate

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 74381-53-6 Cat. No. BCP02071
Name Leuprorelin acetate
Synonyms Leuprorelin acetate;
Formula C59H84N16O12.C2H4O2 M. Wt 1269.45
  • Biological Activity
Description By interrupting the normal pulsatile stimulation of, and thus desensitizing, the GnRH receptors, it indirectly downregulates the secretion of gonadotropins luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, leading to hypogonadism and thus a dramatic reduction in estradiol andtestosterone levels in both sexes. in vitro: The number of DNA 3'-end-labeled cells/cm2 in leiomyomas of control patients and in leiomyomas at the 2nd, 8th, 12th, and 16th weeks of Leuprolide Acetate treatment were at low levels. Testosterone, estradiol and progesterone were also reduced by LA, even though this reduction occurred for progesterone only at the highest LA dosage (10(-6)M; 606.0+/-114.3 ng/ml versus 1524.0+/-246.5 ng/ml; p=0.02). in vivo: Leuprolide acetate treatment decreases the severity of clinical signs of locomotion, induces a significantly greater body weight gain, increases the MBP and NFs expression, axonal area and cell infiltration in EAE animals. Leuprolide (200 and 300 microg kg(-1) s.c
Pathways GPCR/G Protein 
Targets GnRH Receptor 


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