T-2 Toxin

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 21259-20-1 Cat. No. BCP24080
Name T-2 Toxin
Synonyms T 2 Toxin;T2 Toxin;Insariotoxin;Fusariotoxin T-2;Mycotoxin T-2;
Formula C24H34O9 M. Wt 466.52
  • Biological Activity
Description T-2 toxin is a common trichothecene mycotoxin produced by Fusarium species, which can infect grain crops causing alimentary toxic aleukia in humans and animals. It triggers a ribotoxic response through its high binding affinity to peptidyl transferase, which is an integral part of the 60S ribosomal subunit, resulting in activation of JNK/p38 MAPKs, interferes with the metabolism of membrane phospholipids, and increases liver lipid peroxides. T-2 toxin is highly cytotoxic to macrophages, inducing apoptosis in primary porcine alveolar macrophage cells with an IC50 value of 19.47 nM. At 3 nM it decreases the production of inflammatory mediators (IL-1β, TNFα, and nitric oxide), TLR4, and TLR2/6 agonists.
Pathways Others Pathway 
Targets TLR 


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