Desmopressin Acetate

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 62288-83-9 Cat. No. BCP02067
Name Desmopressin Acetate
Synonyms Minirine;Octostim;Stimate;1-(3-Mercaptopropionic acid)-8-D-arginine vasopressin monoacetate;Emosint;
Formula C46H64N14O12S2 M. Wt 1129.27
  • Biological Activity
Description The antidiuretic properties of desmopressin have led to its use in polyuric conditions including primary nocturnal enuresis, nocturia, and diabetes insipidus. Desmopressin works by limiting the amount of water that is eliminated in the urine. Desmopressin binds to V2 receptors in renal collecting ducts, increasing water reabsorption. It also stimulates release of von Willebrand factor from endothelial cells by acting on the V2 receptor.
Pathways GPCR/G Protein 
Targets Vasopressin Receptor 


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