
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 922717-97-3 Cat. No. BCP35943
Name CBR-2092
Synonyms CBR 2092; CBR2092; TNP-2092; TNP 2092; TNP2092;
Formula C65H81FN6O15 M. Wt 1205.39
  • Biological Activity
Description CBR-2092, also known as TNP-2092, is a DNA topoisomerase inhibitor and DNA-directed RNA polymerase inhibitor potentially for the treatment of bacterial infections. CBR-2092 exhibited rifampin-like potency as an inhibitor of RNA polymerase, was an equipotent (balanced) inhibitor of DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV, and retained activity against a prevalent quinolone-resistant variant. Macromolecular biosynthesis studies confirmed that CBR-2092 has rifampin-like effects on RNA synthesis in rifampin-susceptible strains and quinolone-like effects on DNA synthesis in rifampin-resistant strains. Studies of mutant strains that exhibited reduced susceptibility to CBR-2092 further substantiated RNA polymerase as the primary cellular target of CBR-2092, with DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV being secondary and tertiary targets, respectively, in strains exhibiting preexisting rifampin resistance. In contrast to quinolone comparator agents, no strains with altered susceptibility to CBR-2092 were found to exhibit changes consistent with altered efflux properties.
Pathways Microbiology/Virology Cell Cycle/DNA Damage 
Targets DNA/RNA Synthesis Antibiotic 


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