
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 2409963-83-1 Cat. No. BCP39658
Name PXS5505
Synonyms PXS-5505;PXS 5505;LOX-IN-3;LOXIN3,LOX IN 3;
Formula C13H13FN2O2S M. Wt 280.32
  • Biological Activity
Description Pan-LOX Inhibitor PXS-5505 is an orally available, small-molecule, irreversible inhibitor of all lysyl oxidases (LOX) family members, with potential antifibrotic activity. Upon oral administration, pan-LOX inhibitor PXS-5505 targets, binds to and inhibits the activity of all enzymes in the LOX family. This prevents the post-translational oxidative deamination of lysine residues on target proteins, including collagen and elastin, and reduces the formation of deaminated lysine (allysine), the formation of inter- and intramolecular cross-linkages and may prevent remodeling of the extracellular matrix (ECM), thereby reducing fibrotic tissue formation in certain chronic fibrotic diseases. LOX is often upregulated in fibrotic tissue and plays a key role in fibrosis.
Pathways Protease/Metabolic Enzyme 
Targets Lipoxygenase 


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