
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 50-65-7 Cat. No. BCP22958
Name Niclosamide
Synonyms Niclocide;BAY 2353; NSC 178296; WR 46234; BAY-2353; NSC-178296; WR-46234; BAY2353; NSC178296; WR46234;
Formula C13H8Cl2N2O4 M. Wt 327.12
  • Biological Activity
Description Niclosamide is an oral antihelminthic drug, which has been used to treat tapeworm infection for about 50 years. Niclosamide is also used as a molluscicide for water treatment in schistosomiasis control programs. Recently, several groups have independently discovered that niclosamide is also active against cancer cells. Evidence supports that niclosamide targets multiple signaling pathways (NF-κB, Wnt/β-catenin, Notch, ROS, mTORC1, and Stat3), most of which are closely involved with cancer stem cells. Given its potential antitumor activity, clinical trials for niclosamide and its derivatives are warranted for cancer treatment.
Pathways Jak/Stat Pathway Wnt/Stem Cell 
Targets Stat 


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