ZM 447439

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 331771-20-1 Cat. No. BCP02615
Name ZM 447439
Synonyms ZM-447439;ZM447439;
Formula C29H31N5O4 M. Wt 513.59
  • Biological Activity
Description In vitro, ZM-447439 selectively inhibits recombinant human Aurora A and B with IC50 values of 110 and 130 nM, respectively, while other protein kinases of diverse structural types including the mitotic kinases CDK1 and PLK1 are inhibited with IC50 values >10 μM.Aurora kinase inhibitor, ZM-447439 time- and dose-dependently inhibits the growth of all three cell lines with IC50 values of 3 μM (BON), 0.9 μM (QGP-1) and 3 μM (MIP-101) after 72 hours of continuous exposure. In addition, ZM-447439 potently induces cell apoptosis by promoting DNA fragmentation and caspase 3 and 7 activation, and arrests GEP-NET cells in the G0 /G1and G2/M phase of the cell cycle.In mouse embryo, inhibition of Aurora kinase activity by ZM-447439 results in abnormalities during mitosis by regulating the phosphorylation of histone H3 serine 10 (H3S10Ph) from G2 to metaphase with different perturbations in each embryonic cycle. A recent study shows that ZM-447439 exhibits growth inhibitory and proapoptotic effect
Pathways Cell Cycle/DNA Damage Epigenetics 
Targets Aurora 


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