
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 60-81-1 Cat. No. BCP29914
Name Phlorizin
Synonyms Phloridzin; phloretin-2'-β-D-glucopyranoside; AI3-19835; NSC 2833; Phloretin 2'-glucoside; Phloretin-2'-O-beta-glucoside; Phlorizoside; Phlorrhizin;
Formula C21H24O10 M. Wt 436.41
  • Biological Activity
Description Phlorizin, also referred to as phloridzin, is a glucoside of phloretin, a dihydrochalcone, a family of bicyclic flavonoids, which in turn is a subgroup in the diverse phenylpropanoid synthesis pathway in plants. Phlorizin is a competitive inhibitor of SGLT1 and SGLT2 because it competes with D-glucose for binding to the carrier; this reduces renal glucose transport, lowering the amount of glucose in the blood. Phlorizin was studied as a potential pharmaceutical treatment for type 2 diabetes, but has since been superseded by more selective and more promising synthetic analogs, such as canagliflozin and dapagliflozin.
Pathways Ion Channel/Membrane Transporter GPCR/G Protein 
Targets SGLT 


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